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cool game! I think I got softlocked by doing something unintended.

You can reset the room [x/v] and continue

Any tips on how to get to a certain floating skull hanging out in the void? It seems like there’s a hole to access it in the ceiling of the second or third screen of the game.

you can push one of the wall blocks on screen 3

I don't think I'm very good at this game

took me a minute to figure out how you got under 5!! i love this!!

Having a hard time getting back (to the right) in this room: image.png

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Here's how to get back: clip

Oh thank you very much! After a while you get kinda tunneled

A very fun mechanic !

I finally got 100%, great game!


Can anybody help me here?

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i was praying for someone to help you, but then i got it lol.

if you're making the same mistake i did, (mild spoiler, rot13) lbh arrq gb nccebnpu gur fxhyy sebz gur yrsg, abg gur evtug

(bigger spoiler) gur frpbaq cyngsbez vfa'g arprffnel

(spoiler straight up telling you how to do it) chfu gur nobir cyngsbez qbja, naq zbir vg evtug haqre gur fxhyy. ohooyr hc sebz gur yrsg fvqr hagvy lbh pna jnyx bagb gur cyngsbez

Thank you so much!

Nice puzzle, love the graphics. I struggled to remember that the spikes wouldn't kill me and kept trying to avoid them.

Cool game! I really like the level design.  I am not much of a gamer that plays puzzles, but it's quite fun!


didn't expect to struggle ! good game for what i've played. lovely little assets ! makes wanna come back for more


great game! easy to understand but there’s a lot of good depth there. and that ending hahahaha, love it.

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Wonderful game, what I've played of it so far! :)

Are you supposed to be able to go to the right here? Because I cannot for some reason. :o

EDIT: Also, that  is a fantastic title. :)

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There's a closed door on the right

I'm having trouble finding a way to Gelatine these two Skeletons

Edit: took a while to notice that moving activated skulls between rooms activates doors too


Once again very nice original little game.